If in case you have clicked no during conda installation when it asked if it should be added to path or you just can't access it on your terminal for any other reason. Run this conda update anaconda-navigator in your terminal. But most likely it won't work because you don't have access of conda in your shell. What you have to do is run one at time the following steps in your terminal. To run the silent installation of Miniconda for macOS or Linux, specify the -b and -p arguments of the bash installer. The following arguments are supported:-b-Batch mode with no PATH modifications to /.bashrc.Assumes that you agree to the license agreement. To use conda on Windows XP, select Anaconda 2.3.0 and see Using conda on Windows XP with or without a proxy. GUI versus command line installer ¶ Both GUI and command line installers are available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Miniconda is a free minimal installer for conda. It is a small, bootstrap version of Anaconda that includes only conda, Python, the packages they depend on, and a small number of other useful packages, including pip, zlib and a few others. Use the conda install command to install 720+ additional conda packages from the Anaconda repository.
It appears as though the upgrade to Catalina does not allow the Conda environment to be installed under a user directory now likely having to do with the new system volume move to a read-only partition. I reinstalled anaconda via the mac terminal and it works fine. Download the the command line installer for Anaconda3; Make the.
This post introduces how to install Miniconda on Mac.
(For installing Miniconda on Linux OS, check out this post.)
(For commonly used conda commands check this post.)
(For the comparison among Anaconda, Miniconda, and Virtualenv with pip, check this post.)
Step 1: download Miniconda (bash installer) from
see the highlighted in the pic below.
A file called Miniconda3-latest-MacOSX-x86_64.sh will be shown in your Downloads folder.
Step 2: Open a Terminalwindow.
(If you don’t know how to open a terminal window, through lauchpad type in Terminal, you will see the application.)
In the terminal window, type in
Step 3: run the bash “shell” script to install Miniconda
In the terminal window, type in the following.
Scroll through the license (press the Space bar or Enter to move through quickly), type ‘yes’ to approve the terms, and then accept all the installation defaults.
Step 4: Close the Terminal window, and open a new Terminal window.
in the newly opened Terminal window.
Type the following:
If you see something like the following, it means you have successfully installed conda via miniconda on your Mac.
conda 4.5.11
Step 5: Uninstalling Miniconda
To uninstall Python Anconda/Miniconda, we just simply remove the installation folder and remove the environment variables set in the hidden file .bash_profile in your home directory. For my installation, it will be just like this.
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Then, you can edit the .bash_profile file and remove the following entries added for Anaconda/Miniconda directory from your PATH environment variable.
If you do not know where the hidden .bash_profile is located and how to edit it, see below for detailed instructions.
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(1) Open a new terminal and go to your home directory. You can do this by using the command below.
(2) use the following command to list all files, including hidden files in your home directory.
(3) Use the cat
command to see the contents of the hidden file .bash_profile. Type the following command into your terminal.
You will see something like the following (depends on what you installed, if you installed Miniconda3, you will only see the first two lines. If you installed Anaconda3, you will see the bottom two lines.
(4) To remove installed Miniconda/Anaconda from your .bash_profile use the command below to edit the file using the nano editor.
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Remove the Miniconda /Anoconda path in your .bash_profile hidden file.
Then Type control + X to exit out of nano
Save changes by typing Y.
Close the terminal, and now Miniconda/Anaconda should be successfully uninstalled from your Mac.
(Tested on macOS Mojave. Note that you can install Miniconda onto your Mac even when you are not an admin user.)
For commonly used conda commands check this post.
For the comparison among Anaconda, Miniconda, and Virtualenv with pip, check this post.